Japan in JPG photobook

Japan in JPG photobook

Sale Price:£32.99 Original Price:£50.00

Japan in JPG is a collection of 100+ images from TV Trev’s trip to Tokyo, Japan in 2016.

Carefully curated, the images are a selection of 100+ images from over 1000 taken throughout Tokyo, from a variety of different locations so you get a true sense of what the amazing city of Tokyo has to offer. The first 75 customers of this book have a special opportunity to win their own flights to Japan, more information in the terms and conditions.

The images are a mixture of photos taken with his Olympus OMD10 MKii and his iPhone 7+. None of the pictures were RAW, everything in the book was edited from a jpg image which is the premise behind the book to show what is possible from a simple jpg.

Please do send me a picture of how the book looks in its new home.

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Note: Product is limited to 140 prints. If this product sells out of all 140 prints 10% of revenue generated will be donated to Black British Bloggers.